Paul Timothy 4. Plant churches

Reproduce congregations and cell groups. Track outcomes

Learn the Bible — MenuMake disciples

All studies on this page were revised Summer of 2017
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Studies are formatted US letter size. Re-format these for your own needs.
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Shepherds: Start Churches Easily from tiny gatherings. Preview . Word . Pdf .
Shepherds: Christians Meet in Big Groups and in Homes. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children: We Welcome in our Homes those who Serve Christ. Preview. Word. Pdf
Shepherds: A Tax-collector Welcomed Sinners to his House. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children: A family Worshipped Jesus at their House. Preview. Word. Pdf
Shepherds: Start New Flocks as the apostles did. Preview. Word. Pdf

Children: Paul and Barnabas Put New Believers in New Flocks. Preview. Word. Pdf
Supplement: Nine Freedoms that Expand a Movement to Christ. Preview. Word. Pdf
Shepherds: Track New Cells and Congregations. Preview. Word. Pdf
Checklist #1: Mobilise '2nd-track' labourers. Preview. Word. Pdf

Checklist #2: Track Progress in New Cells and Congregations. Preview. Word. Pdf

Checklist #3: Steps to Church Multiplication. Preview. Word. Pdf

Checklist #4: Monitor Progress of New Shepherds. Preview. Word. Pdf

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